Self review on my better lives project, blog 3:

In my chosen better lives specialism (fashion activism ) our project was to create a GIFF or short video on our chosen brand. Our brand was Emily Bode, our group really liked her aesthetic and her whole brand concept. We as a group thought that her brand relates to the better lives theme very well. However sustainability was the key one. We had many plans before the pandemic to film at a  studio with diverse models and country items to give a rustic feel, we were also going to take short video clips of our models on a farm somewhere out of London with a retro camera so it had a vintage feel. When we had this idea, we were very inspired by Emily bodes clothing and some of her campaigns. In these campaigns most of her models have bare feet and in rustic, earthy and natural areas. These ideas where more aimed at the theme of diversity within better lives.

However due to the pandemic those ideas where no longer feasible. So we started expressing our ideas together about how we could change our video and make it more achievable, considering we are all not in one area and sticking to the lockdown guidelines. We all concluded that we were going to film nature and wild animals. This concept was more aimed at stainability. I think that this fits in well with our project focus of Emily Bode, as she had farm animals in some or her shoots and I think that her brand really does portray a natural and peaceful atmosphere, as she upcycles a variety of clothing items. I feel we have successfully created this in the video. We decided to make our video for an Instagram advertisement therefore we created a square format video, as we thought social media is a massive platform and we think it would be the best for our video.

I think that my group team work and commutation was very good as we all set a deadline to film our induvial clips and get them sent to one of our team members who knew how to edit and combine  the clips to make our video, I think that the editing made our individual clips link in together well and look professional and I think it would definitely catch the audience’s attention. As we all kept in contact and made sure we all understood the task to ensure it was completed to the best of our abilities, this made getting across our ideas for the concept easy and worked effectively.

Overall, I am happy with my final better lives video as I think that it is everything my team could have imaged and I think its defiantly does show the better lives themes well. The editing and combining of the clips was better than I imaged, which I will have to learn how to create this my self for the future.

Link of video below Bode in nature:

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