Blogpost 2

When I was first introduced to the better lives themes I found it hard to identify what aspects of my course (hair and makeup for fashion) related to them, particularly social responsibility. Having followed the lectures and worked through my project more I was able to pick apart the key themes and relate them to my current work. I chose portrait photography as my better lives project and the key themes were very present throughout the lectures and scheme of work we were given. When I was shooting I had to think about who and what I was shooting and how I was presenting it. It became apparent to me that through all of my work and projects (across both hair and makeup, and photography) that I must take into consideration how my work is representing different types of people and cultures and how I can be respectful throughout.

It has always been important to me that my work is diverse and inclusive and that I cause no offence with the pieces I create, so I was able to understand that this is part of my social responsibility as an artist. During my new unit for Hair and Makeup, I am thinking more about how I can research and explore different cultures and religions and allow my work to be creative but remain respectful and avoid culturally appropriating anybody’s beliefs or other parts of their identity. I want to continue to think about how I can be more diverse with my work and incorporate broader knowledge into my research and artistry.

Sustainability is something I have always been aware of but hardly ever related to how I work and what I can do to be more sustainable as a makeup and hair artist. Bigger brands are being more transparent about how sustainable they are, and more companies are trying to become cruelty-free and vegan because there is a higher demand for it in today’s climate. I want to be able to follow this idea and make my hair and makeup kit more sustainable and environmentally friendly. This includes using more recyclable and reusable materials and trying to go more toward cruelty-free and vegan brands for the makeup in particular. Waste is a big part of my course because a lot of my kit includes one-time use products and materials and I want to be able to find something more sustainable and better for the environment. I will continue to follow brands that are heading in this direction and take inspiration from them, I also want to focus more on smaller brands that work more fully for the environment and try to buy less into the faster-paced, bigger corporations so I can improve my carbon footprint and know that I am helping a smaller, potentially family-owned, business.

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