blog post two: the themes

The Better Lives themes of sustainability, diversity, and social responsibility have made me think about how I am going to develop my practice.

Sustainability as a theme is very relevant right now. I believe I am already working in a sustainable manner as I source garments for styling from charity shops, people I know, my own collection, and create pieces myself. However, the theme of sustainability can still be brought into my sphere of thinking in terms of developing my work and the garments I use. I understand sustainability, within a fashion context, to be a theme of preventing unnecessary elements (such as fast fashion) from taking over the industry, trying to ensure these aspects of fashion are kept to a minimum – through education and slow elimination of fast fashion. There are ways in which I can take the Better Lives theme of sustainability to develop my work: looking at brands that are sustainable in terms of the creation of garments and their key messages in terms of sustainability; creating looks with materials I can reuse (items I already have), recycle (fabric, card), or return.

The Better Lives theme of diversity has made me think about the development of my practice and who I cast to be styled. As my practice progresses, I am looking to cast more diverse models (in terms of gender, race, age, ability, size, etc.) as casting different types of models increases the visibility of different types of people involved in fashion, allowing different people stories to be told. This theme has made me think about working in diverse creative teams to draw on different experiences people have developing work that is created.

The final theme, social responsibility, has made me think about issues I feel comfortable covering in my practice. I enjoy creating work that is bold, colourful, and fun. In my work so far, I have not looked at many themes of social responsibility, however, connecting my style to relevant social topics could enable viewers of my work to understand the social topic in a light-hearted fashion. Social responsibility is very important and something I must consider when creating work, especially in this covid-19 time period.

Looking at all three themes, Better Lives has helped me think about how to develop my styling practice in the time of now. Sustainability, diversity, and social responsibility are hot topics in fashion. Knowledge of these issues will enable my work to develop in a positive manner, able to touch on subjects important to myself and society in a way that is sustainable.

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