Blog 2: Themes reflection

I have already studied the Better Lives project for the past few weeks. The concept of social responsibility, diversity, and sustainability is the core value of the lectures. I thought I was already aware of the issue, but in fact, it is such a big problem that people should take action for it.

I chose in and outside of fashion: Sportswear Fashion language and sub-cultures for my project. Our task was to bring our old clothes and turned them into a new look. Every classmate has a different taste of style, so it is really interesting to combine each style to an outfit. I enjoyed the class because it truly taught us sustainability through a creative process. It dawned on me that every piece of clothes has its potential to become such a cool and stylish look. According to a report, the whole fashion industry is the second most polluting industry in the world. Especially fast fashion, to produce more goods and keep up the latest trend, it tends to produce low quality and low-cost clothes. Thus, customers won’t be grateful for what they bought and they might easily throw them away. Lucy Siegle, a British environmental journalist said,” Fast fashion isn’t free. Someone, somewhere is paying.” I can’t agree with her more. Fast fashion damages the environment. Take Forever 21 for example, it uses toxic chemicals, dangerous dyes, and synthetic fabrics, which can pollute water supplies. Moreover, over 60 percent of fabric fibers are synthetics, which are derived from fossil fuels. It is a serious problem because about 85 percent of waste textile goes to the landfill. Therefore, due to the toxic chemicals, they won’t decay in the soil.

After attending the lectures, I started to realize the importance of conscious fashion. We have to have an awareness of the environmental and human rights issues. That is to fight for the safety of the earth and humans. “ BUY LESS, BUY BETTER”. It is important to know about the brand. Before buying garments, we can check if they are made with care to people, animals, or natural environments involved. Besides, due to the increase in green products, the transparency of the companies is also important. Food is to health as fashion is to sustainability. The lectures influenced me the way I shop. All human beings need to protect our planet. We have the most power to change the world. If there are fewer and fewer people buying those inhumane products, the companies will also reduce to produce them. Fashion sustainability is everyone’s responsibility. Let’s create better lives together.

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