Better Lives – Blog 3

For my chosen project within the Better Lives unit I studies portraits photography. After the initial lectures about the key themes of Better Lives I went into this project thinking about how I would apply these themes into my work whilst still creating visually interesting images.

I put photography as my top choice of project as I do hair and makeup for my degree and felt that knowing more about portrait photography would benefit me in the future and will help me when talking to photographers.

Due to the current pandemic I felt that the theme of social responsibility highly influenced my mind set and also the work I produced. The last few lessons of my course was when we were all inside in isolation, which made taking photographs more challenging however, it made us continue to create images whilst still being socially responsible and staying in due to the lockdown. I did find it hard to produce images due to a lack of models and locations as well as a general lack of creativity due to the circumstances. This meant that I had to develop my creative thinking and explore new ideas of image making, by utilising what and who I have around me to create images for this project.

We had a lecture in which our teacher Daniel Treacy showed us his own work which I felt successfully covered the idea of sustainability. He showed us his work and explained to us how he would often find old garments which had been discarded in random locations and reused these items to create new looks which he would photograph. This changed my thinking own regards to creating images, as before I would automatically think of a fashion photography shoot, in which the clothing are new and everything looks more clean and crisp. However, from his images I learned how you can successfully create interesting images whilst reusing and recycling. If people consider this in their future work it will allow us to create a more sustainable industry.

The theme of diversity was on my mind throughout the whole project as I wanted to photograph a range of models and see if the choice in models effected the feeling within the image. In one of our tasks we walked down Shepherd Bush Market in small groups to take portrait photographs. I felt that these images were the most interesting outcomes I created from this project. They captured people working and not posing or really engaging with the camera, which made the images feel more natural and unstaged. This, in my opinion, makes a viewer feel as if they are at that location and a part of the image.

I felt that all the key themes of Better Lives helped influence my work within my project. I produced images which I was happy with and through the practical tasks within the lectures, have developed my skills and understanding of photography. I now have a lot more confidence with photography and a wider knowledge of how cameras work.

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