Blog Post 1

My favorite lecture was during the 19th of February and talked about representation. Understanding representation in fashion is essential in our modern society. Fashion has always been known as exclusive, so to overcome this problem we must understand the essence of representation. The lecture made me realize that in order to have equal representation we must have an equal understanding of someone else’s culture. In other words, the lack of conversation leads to a lack of representation.  Fashion is our interaction with everything; thus, it must be used as an object for change.

The speaker also mentioned the conspicuous consumption theory. This is used to explain the action of consuming expensive products in order to elevate someone’s status. Bringing up the idea of a social class is not only about having money but involves other concepts such as culture.

Another aspect to consider when talking about representation is the idea of cultural appropriation and the idea of cultural appreciation. I agree with one of the speakers when saying that cultural appropriation occurs through a relation of power and privilege, more in detail, when elements of someone else’s culture is taken without its appreciation. In controversy, cultural appreciation is the respectful representation of someone else’s culture. Cultural appreciation can only be achieved through a full understanding of someone else’s culture.

This made me realize how unconsciously I might be culturally appropriating another culture in my fashion practices. Therefore, I can say that this lecture made me more aware of social implications in the fashion industry that must be considered to prevent negative content in the future. In addition, it inspired me by showing examples of cultural appreciation, showing how fashion can be used as a means to promote positive change.

The lecture about sustainability during the 13th of February also shaped my thinking about how fashion can create better lives. It made me realized that in order to have a successful fashion career we must understand fashion’s relationship with nature and humanity. We are living the Anthropocene where human’s impact on natural systems is significant. The speaker brought up views that enhance the idea that in order to change this system we must look at fashion not only from an economic perspective. Another thing that I understand from the lecture is that everything is connected, and that sustainability is a fixed stage. It requires complexity and has the terms culture, nature, society, and economy embedded in its meaning. In addition, we must keep aware that resources are diminishing, meaning that fashion has to respect our world barriers.

In conclusion, to promote positive fashion, we have to establish our values and what we want to sustain within our practice. We need to consider the fact that equity and home come first. In order to improve our outcomes, we have to consider nature, culture, society, and power as perspectives to promote better lives and social changes.

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