Throughout all of the Better Lives lectures, the one that had the greatest impact and I found most engaging was the lecture on Power by Julia Crew. The lecture looked into power relating to topics of fashion, money, media, consumers and protests and the effects of power of each topic. 

As a fashion journalist student, power in media has crossed my mind several times since starting the course in September… in particular the power of social media including the rise of the influencer. Prior the internet, traditional journalists were the gatekeepers of fashion to the public and were the informers of trends and tips. However, nowadays the power lies in the hands of social influencers and anyone can become an influencer. According to the lecture, the influencer economy is worth $1 billion. Influencers are seen as an effective campaign and marketing strategy because of the ads that they post. So, it got me thinking. Are the ads and media that we see ultimately control what we buy? Missguided reported sales increase by 40% every evening Love Island is on, so it shows how effective using ad’s for popular shows really is. Also, there is more pressure to not wear the same thing twice and that “Instagram-able perfect life” which just deteriorates mental health! There is a greater demand for new clothes more than ever before and I do think media does play a huge part towards fast fashion. 

Something I particularly like about Better Lives is the focus on sustainability. Currently, we are buying 400% more clothing than 20 years ago and out of the 100 billion garments that are produced annually, 75% end up in landfills or incinerated. Fast Fashion has increased so much and the demand of clothes Is greater than before. Therefore, factories are being pushed for greater quantity of clothing of a faster and cheaper rate. The lecturer also spoke about welfare of workers which I haven’t really heard too much of. These workers are probably working unpaid over-time, being harassed by those in charge and for what? To earn what a CEO of a top fashion brand makes in 4 days but in a lifetime. I found that quote so crazy! However, because of low minimum wages and falling short, these workers are stuck in a cycle of poverty which is really sad, and it did make me think how could I help?

Thinking after the lecture, I came to the realisation that I think consumers are the ones who have the most power, not the ads or social influencers or the large CEO’s. Consumers are driver of trends and if we didn’t want to spend money on something and/or protested, then chances are the business will stop selling it. After the lecture I looked into some of the organisations including “Love Not Landfill” and began making conscious efforts of shopping more sustainable through thrift shops, Depop or just repairing/revamping what I’ve already got. I’m looking forward to starting the Better Lives classes. 

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