Blog 3: Project outcomes and personal development reflection

Having finished my Better lives project, ‘Messaging Fashion’, I can walk away with an increased understanding of Fashion PR. From the basic ideas and concepts to having hands-on experience with producing a PR campaign.

I was really pleased with the project outcome my group developed: Focusing on designer Wales Bonner and creating a campaign to support a social cause. I think our project is realistic and our presentation of our ideas was impactful.

I was excited to work collaboratively and my group definitely didn’t disappoint. We communicated effectively to produce our work. I found that we split the workload evenly and based upon personal interest, and were all efficient at producing our respective elements.

Once way our group could have improved however, is by developing our presenting further. This could’ve been done through scriptwriting and some more group practice.

Personally, I have developed my writing skills by creating a mock-up of a press release for our campaign. This is something I hadn’t done before, and using the resources provided by the project leaders I wrote a piece I am proud of. 

This kind of learning (by doing) was really effective in helping me develop my personal understanding of not only fashion PR, but the better lives themes as well.

In conclusion I am proud of the work I have accomplished along with my project group through this unit. I found it to both enjoyable and challenging, which I think kept me on my toes throughout the whole process.

– Shaw Fowler

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