Blog 2 – Themes Reflection

As a Fashion Journalism student, it is vital that the themes of Sustainability, Diversity and Social Responsibility are central to my work ethic and will change how I work in the future. 

My project of Mask Making and Politics has primarily focused on Social Responsibility. Our task was to create a mask as a form of protest or political activism. Activities such as these prove just how much fashion can have a great influence in society. Fashion also has a social responsibility though design, to be relatable, comfortable and to prove itself that the product will be beneficial to the consumer. Social media can influence the well-being of an individual, and the fashion industry has a responsibility to ensure that they remove the pressure placed upon body-image and self-esteem.  

As a Fashion Journalist representation is vital. Not only this, the topic of inclusivity and diversity is vital within the fashion industry. Brands such as Fenty Beauty are leaders of the conversation, helping the beauty industry to emphasise inclusivity and diversity. However, there is progress to be made. For the future of my work, it is important to continue to focus on representation. Incorporating inclusive principles is crucial to challenging preconceptions. 

With leaders such as Greta Thunberg charging the movement, it is vital that we all make changes towards a more sustainable future. In the fashion world, designers such as Marine Serre are leaders in sustainability, creating clothes out of reusable material. Many designers are also taking the initiative to have a sustainability goal for the future. However, products such as denim can never be 100% sustainable, due to the chemicals and water usage used to create it. Fast fashion is also a big issue in the industry, as clothing is being produced at a dramatic rate. As a consumer, the best option towards a more sustainable future in fashion is to shop second hand, avoid fast-fashion and look for brands who re-use their materials. This theme of Sustainability will change how I work in the future of Journalism, continuing to cover topics about sustainability. 

In conclusion, the Better Lives themes are vital to the practices of Fashion Journalism. It was a great opportunity to challenge creative processes. In the future, I want to continue to discuss these themes and allow them to shape my work.  

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