Better Lives Reflection: Project Outcome & Personal Development (3)

The outcome of my group’s Better Lives project was a 12 second video on the nude lingerie brand, Nubian Skin. For the project we decided to take inspiration from the company’s Instagram page, and edit it with illustrations, gifs, and typography. We had 2 illustration students, 1 photography student, 1 journalism student, 1 PR student, and 1 styling student in our group so we tried our best to have all of our skills involved in such a short video. The illustration students drew undergarments and line drawings over images that the photography student took. The journalism student wrote captions and the PR student helped make gifs. I gave the illustration student ideas on where to draw things and were to remove things to prevent the image from looking crowded, and ideas on the sequence of the final video. Because we did this assignment via group chat, it was hard to get involved because of my time zone. I couldn’t really use my creative practice to demonstrate the Better Lives themes, but I contributed to the demonstration of the Better Lives themes through other practices. For example, when putting together the final moving image, I gave input on the sequence of the video clips and the final images that were put together (from using my styling and coordination abilities). Overall, I found communication the most difficult because of the time differences as well as finding a way to add my creative practice into the process of making our project. I improved my collaborative skills, because there we’re times that I needed to wake up earlier to meet with the rest of the group, and try my best to give input and ideas when I where I could to make up for the fact that there wasn’t much styling I could do.

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