Better Lives: Themes reflection, Blog post 2

Having heard the Better Lives themes being discussed over the past few weeks has made me reflect on how I would incorporate them into my work as a styling and production student. I think that I was already aware of these issues, however this project has made me realise just how big of an impact there can be by ensuring they are part of everyones practice.

I have always been concerned with sustainability within fashion as I know how bad the fast fashion industry is for the environment. In my most recent project I focused on informing consumers on how they can make better choices when buying clothes and how to avoid fast fashion and I want to continue to spread this message. My opinion is that consumers need to be more educated on the impact that their buying habits can have on not only the environment but also the workers who produce their clothing, therefore as a stylist I will continue to promote more ethical and sustainable brands as well as encouraging second hand buying. When choosing clothing or brands to include in my work I like to find ones that use dead-stock material, have zero waste, use recycled materials, made clothes to last or offer repairs on their clothing as all of these reduce the need for fast fashion. There is also far more craftsmanship in these types of clothes as opposed to fast fashion so it looks better in photoshoots too.

Diversity is also something that I always try to incorporate within my work. Through the better lives lectures it has made me realise this can go further than simply visual representation; it should also include the teams and brands I work with. In my future work I want to make sure I include a diverse team of people who I work with and diverse designers. This is important as a stylist can have a large impact on what people decide to purchase as they are showing people what they think they should wear and minority groups do not always get the support they deserve. Working in a diverse team also means you have a bigger variety of opinions and ideas that can help the outcome of the work to be more diverse and inclusive in its impact.

As the fashion industry is so big, small choices can have a huge impact on peoples lives, therefore it is vital that everyone is considered in each choice that is made. Social responsibility can include ensuring fair pay of workers, but also ensuring that things such as cultural appropriation are not taking place and that people are aware of their power within fashion. In my own practice I think that I will always think about the work I am creating and try to imagine it through other perspectives to make sure I am being responsible.

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