blog post 3- reflections and outcomes

Due to the current situation affecting the world, it has also affected our university work. During the better lives’ unit for our group work, to communicate we have now had to associate with calling through media platforms. The way we battled this as a group, we have called everyday and kept on top of our work and made sure each of us had a task and was completing the work. The project itself has been challenging and convivial, I got to meet new people and make friends, as well as new contacts for future projects if I need to collaborate. I think our group worked proficiently as we did not have any disagreements, and all got on according to plan. The whole unit itself is advancing your own skills through these blog posts and as well as having to carry out your own group work at the same time meanwhile keeping on top of the online lectures. Personally, I’ve found this better lives unit delectable and would enjoy doing something similar to this in the future. This is a massive learning curve and increasing in reflecting on my own work as well as the work I do in group work. Everything you do or anything suggestions or any research is all an input, whether that’s background research or knowledge you already know. The whole project within itself has made me have different perspectives and outlooks whether that is to be more welcoming to group work or wanting to look more into depth on my research and expanding my knowledge and learning. As well as maintaining the end outcome always and making sure everything always links. Especially sometimes if you struggle with starting points, better lives has really improved my outlook for future work, because I can use the themes to help me with my research and build up evidence. During these devastating times, better lives linked to our work as well as relating to the current situation because in my group work, we chose a charity based on men’s’ mental health as these battling times I am sure people are suffering drastically. Therefore, better lives open your mind and way of thinking in depth and making sure everything has a purpose or meaning. I really learnt a lot and enjoyed this unit thoroughly and will always take into consideration what I learnt and reflect this is any other projects or carry this into the next lot of group work I have to do.

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