Blog Post 2: Themes Reflection

My Better Lives project is Fashion Journalism and the themes of Sustainability, Social responsibility, and Diversity are all very important within this practice. By listening to the lectures on fashion journalism I have gathered that it is a journalist’s job to be curious about everything and that journalism isn’t only about expressing one’s opinions but building on those opinions by seeking an expert’s insight and reviewing the facts and numbers. The better lives themes were always in the back of my mind and I knew some information about them but by listening to the lectures in the first two weeks I gained a vast amount of knowledge on these themes from people who are well-versed in their specific fields. The fashion industry has tiptoed around these topics for a long time but now that consumers are demanding brands to address them and be transparent they have become increasingly important.

As a Fashion Public Relations student I’m aware that brands have to be extremely careful while addressing topics like diversity or sustainability because there’s a fear of hurting the consumer’s sentiments or coming off as superficial. I have learned that to avoid this brands need to conduct a lot of research on their consumers and be truthful about their activities instead of tokenising. There has been an increase in brands recruiting models who are of different races, plus-sized, and older to be featured in campaigns. But many people are questioning the authenticity of these changes and are still unsure whether this is all a part of a trend. Brands especially need to be sensitive and communicate their messages in socially responsible ways due to the coronavirus pandemic. These themes are even more crucial in light of the current Covid-19 pandemic as brands are dedicating their resources to help in every way they can. For instance, prominent brands such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and Burberry are using their resources to create and donate essential medical supplies such as face masks and surgical gowns for healthcare professionals, police, delivery workers etc. By doing this these brands are working for the welfare of the entire community instead of vying for individual profits. In addition to this, the British Fashion Council recently announced that fashion week in June will be digital and gender-neutral. This will create a more diverse and sustainable environment resulting in major and permanent changes in the fashion industry as fashion week will never be the same even after the pandemic is over. This is because people will feel anxious to gather in large numbers for such events for a long time.

The better lives themes will undoubtedly influence and change the way I work in the future for instance I will limit purchases from fast fashion brands. I would find creative and innovative ways to interact with emerging digital spaces and events. While researching for projects and future career tasks I will make sure I have all the information and facts to avoid offending any sentiments. This community-driven attitude which is promoted during the pandemic will enable me to work with my peers and colleagues in a more effective way leading to a healthier work environment. (Student ID: 19002741)


Penrose N. and Weaver H. (2020) ‘How the fashion Industry Is Stepping Up To Fight Covid-19’, Elle April 21, 2020. Available at: (

(Accessed 23rd April 2020)

Tu J. (2020) ‘Men’s London Fashion Week replaced with gender-neutral virtual showcase’ , Women’s Agenda April 22, 2020. Available at: (

(Accessed 23rd April 2020)

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