Blog Post 1 – Culture

One of the lectures that cached more my attention was Lecture 2; Anna Fitzpatrick, Culture. In this lecture, I realized a bit more about the actual problem in society; sustainability, fashion, and consumer culture. I was very surprised after seeing the statistics of consumption of the last years, and how society has adopted a lifestyle around unsustainable consumerism. It is impressive how everything is connected and how little details can have a major impact.

When we buy clothes, we choose which brand we are supporting with our money, and I think we should use this vote opportunity to support the brands that have a responsible program with the environment and respect human rights in all the processes.

In my opinion, a really good way to reduce the impact that the fashion industry is causing to the planet is to buy less and to buy products that can be wear for a longer time. The clothing from years ago was more resistant because was made from a high-quality resource and a much more careful manufacturing process with the goal of good quality and not a goal of reducing costs to increase profit, we confirm nowadays that some vintage clothes are perfectly usable after being produced 50 years ago. As a new generation, we should try to change this way of business, it is our responsibility to improve the industry in order to create better lives and stop destroying our planet. After seeing the lectures, I thought that maybe we should change the actual way of communicating fashion to increase the power of sustainable brands.

Maybe we should adapt our life’s in order to work less and waste less, but this is not compatible with most of the established economies in the developed countries, but that does not mean that is impossible to change it.

Now as a young fashion customer I had reduced my consumption of clothing and I buy less than a third of what I bought a few years ago and I also limit myself to buying high-quality products or second-hand clothes.

If the fashion industry could change some parts of the business could create better lives. If all clothing brands started to be responsible in the production process, a lot of workers would start having a decent life with a fair salary to pay for normal living expenses. As well if the agricultural processes of production of the material, were responsible for the environment, the industry would damage less the earth and the number of people affected by pollution in developing countries will be reduced as well.

As a fashion photographer I had think about my ethics in work after saw most of the lectures and I had marked as a new goal to work only with responsible fashion brands in order to reduce the power of the big fast fashion brands and support the sustainable brands that take care about the planet and about the people behind the brand.

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