BLOG: 2 Diversity, Social Responsibility, Sustainability

Before coming to LCF, I was never truly interested in changing the world for the better in terms of Diversity, Social Responsibility, and Sustainability. Now, I feel like whenever we do something, even a small act of throwing away the trash – we must keep this in mind. After this unit, I will even stop buying clothes without meaning, clothes that do not have an impact on society and the surrounding environment. I did Creative Direction and had to work on a brand called Traid. After fully understanding what Traid is all about, I started understanding what life is all about. We need to give and receive, but what happens when we only receive but never give? Ever since I was a little girl, my mom made me give away my old clothes or those I did not wear. I was always proudly selecting which clothes to give away to people that cannot afford them, and which clothes are too bad to give to someone. My mom always took my worn-out clothes to recycling factories and gave away proudly my good ones. To me, it always made sense to give clothes, but I was always under the impression that if I want new ones, I must give up on the old ones. Now I see the point. I have at least 20 T-Shirts in my closet that I don’t even take into consideration when preparing an outfit for the upcoming days. And those are just my T-Shirts. What if some underprivileged girls could get them? Maybe they would start moving the mountains I was too busy moving whilst being concerned about why Miley chose Jesse over Jake. When we buy a garment, we think about what people will say after seeing us wear that particular garment, but who actually thinks about the hard work behind that garment? Who thinks about the underpaid, single mother that had to spend hours and hours on that garment, just to be able to feed her children? Who thinks of the environmental impacts of that garment? Whenever we attend a party, we hope not to see someone wearing the same dress, or shirt, or skirt, or shoes. But has it ever been a concern to anyone why we have this concern? There are at least 5000 other dresses like the one we just bought, half of them ending in landfill – yet we only hope not to see someone looking better wearing it than we do. Change must start within. To have a better future for us, change must happen. Probably after the crisis, the world will reset, and we will all have a new approach to how fashion must look like in terms of diversity, social responsibility, and sustainability. That’s why after this unit I made a promise to myself. From now on, everything I buy will have a meaning, and so I might even start being a better PR, and human altogether. Maybe so I could actually help change this life for the better.

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