Lecture reflection: blog post 1

Upon reflecting on the lectures tackling the themes of diversity, sustainability, and social responsibility I had come to the realisation that I was not as educated on these topics as I had assumed to be. Throughout the many lectures for the better lives unit the one that significantly caught my attention was the lecture surrounding the topic of collaboration lead by Claire Swift, this lecture really tackled the importance and necessity of working with others and emphasised the realisation that it is one of the most fundamental things we do, especially within this industry. I found this topic particularly interesting also considering the current climate surrounding COVID-19 and new ways in which we need to adapt and establish ways to collaborate.

In this lecture I had learned that Collaboration is a non-competitive way in which others work together to solve a problem to achieve a goal, offering a shared understanding of each other’s strengths and the recognition of the power of working together. Whilst following Claire’s lecture she shared some key quotes such as “part of education is learning. And what drives learning is curiosity and collaboration” by Sir Ken Robinson. Claire explains how collaboration is about bringing all your disciplines together and discovering what you can contribute to your team, establishing your own strengths as an individual in a team.

Whilst listening to Claire explain different concepts and processes of collaboration I came to the realisation that before university I was not aware of the necessity and reliability we all have on collaborating and working with others, I believe especially in the arts industry, communicating and establishing strong relationships with your peers and colleagues is one of the strongest skills you can possess in this business.

Claire shares examples of various theories, one that particularly caught my attention was Tuckman’s theory sharing the five stages of group development in which you always find yourself in a team going through these emotions. Her emphasis on transparency within a group is always prominent allowing discussion and debate to be open. A quote I believe best suits this message is “When all think alike, then no one is thinking” by Walter Lippman, this quote particularly stuck with me after this lecture as it is very true in its words, we all do not have to agree on everything, debate and disagreement is healthy within a team, it allows challenges and personal growth, not only individually but also strengthens a dynamic as a group, elements such as feedback and trust are essential when it comes to collaboration.

In reflection of this lecture, collaboration has met new ways and standards in which no one has seen before considering recent events in our society. The realisation and importance of social media has become a newfound value when it comes to collaborating and connecting from home. After observing this lecture, these methods and theories tackling ways in which we collaborate are more useful than ever and is allowing us all to individually adapt to the new environment in which we all currently live in.

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