BLOG 2 – How the Better Lives (themes) might change how you work in the future?
The better lives unit has shown me a different approach to my work as a hair and makeup for fashion student. Therefore, the themes sustainability, Diversity and Social Responsibility will help the development of my understanding in the future.
Introduction to ‘Diversity’ can be defined as the significant differences amongst people. This can be about many things, including differences based on race, culture, gender, sexual orientation, age. Which can have a big part of the industry I’m going into as a makeup artist. Diversity is a big part as there are many men and women of all colours, ages, and backgrounds who use makeup on a regular basis, but unfortunately the industry fails to create for its entire consumer demographic. Also, in the lecture ‘Culture’ means thinking about the understanding and practices of everyday life. This has allowed me to see the future in a different point of view which can then lead into expanding my knowledge. Therefore, the cultural diversity – ‘existence of a variety of cultures or ethnic groups in society’. The ideas, custom and social behaviour of a particular culture have many different trends, inclusivity and diversity in makeup are part of an on-going change within the beauty industry. Within the beauty industry, makeup has had a massive part from the diversity in the last couple of years, which can affect the brands from promoting the products. For example, now there is a larger range of foundations and concealers shades which can be used by a much wider group. Diversity can only come when there are Brand leaders from a broad range of backgrounds. Therefore, before better lives themes I wasn’t aware of the diversity and culture in makeup in the skincare background of the brands of the products However the global beauty companies have now changed their point of view and got their act together, creating more variety in a range of skins tones for the consumer because everyone wants to be their own person. While researching about skins type within the makeup industry, I have changed my point of view to be able to benefit from serums, moisturisers and cleansers. Featuring all manner of ingredients like acids, retinal and vitamin c and yet the lack of diverse representation in advertising, especially on social media, is a huge issue lately. The lecture has allowed me to explore more and open my eyes to the reality of makeup within culture and diversity which will help me to stop and think more before buying products in the future and read the information which will help the environment of the makeup industry to become a better place.
My project topics for better lives is Messaging Fashion. Where we have explored how to develop a creative social responsibility around this cause, that is original for the brand (House of Sheldonhall). In addition, we will design and engaging the public relations (PR) and communication campaign that will promote the brand. This will help me in the future to see how brands promote their business and visa versa, which could be in my future plans.