reflective writing 2

Reflective Writing 2

19029762 Minji Kawck Before the Covid-19, I decided to make the 3D mask related to the
power and rights of labors. Such as Korean traditional folk game mask called aortal. Long time ago, some people who was ignored their rights from the nobility started to satire the society by using a masked dance. The people wore the strange mask and started the acting. That story was about the illegality and corruption in their society. Because of this, all masks shapes were worst. So, I was making the mask called Hahoetal. But as Covid-19 I had to stop the making the mask. And my tutor sent the email about our project and said we need to change the subject of our project. So, now I’m researching the new subject for my project. Research is about the politic of the mask. Also, I will have related my project to the power not a labor. Actually, Power lecture made me concentrate in the right of laborer. That’s why I was make the Hahoetal. I think, after I finish the research of the new project, I might be not a Haheotal. It will about the nature and power. During the Better lives lecture, I learned the nature lecture as well as about the natural disaster such as Covid-19. In the world, there were lots of campaign for the Covid-19. Based on the campaign, I will make the 3D mask and use variety materials. I don’t know what is my final mask. And I will find some article and journal about Covid-19 and the mask. This is so difficult to me, because everything is changed. I, also, have to change everything about Better lives unit project. I will watch the recoded lecture of nature again. Therefore, my project will be changed everything about Covid-19 but I’m not sure what’s my final.

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