I agree with everything you have written on this post. I strongly agree with how it’s under looked from the history of fashion and people don’t think back to that far in fashion, and just get carried away with fashion now. I also think me being a girl in today’s society I find it really hard having social media and comparing myself a lot to influencers and thinking exactly what you said about their outfits or things they post. I think this should be spoken about more as a society and helped for us as an age group because it can be really depressing sometimes, but then again it’s also the point of that’s not what everyday life is like, they just post what they want you to see, so it’s misleading. I feel as if most people do have these thoughts and do struggle and it’s kept quiet and not spoken about enough, so I think it’s great that you have openly spoken about it now coming from a personal point of view. The media can also be used for the wrong uses, such as bullying and commenting on your style or clothes or makeup which knocks confidence and is downgrading, I feel like that could of also been mentioned as that makes people feel as if they can’t wear what they want or have so much freedom due to peer pressure or thinking what other people may say or as to comparing yourself because of what other people have that is shown on social media but as individual you don’t have, which is also a negative side of the power of media and money. I also think the quote is a good way of looking at things, and definitely thinking before you buy and can be more sustainable, I feel more could of been said on the sustainable part to say how it also helps others and the planet and how online brands are now recycling and doing vegan clothing ranges e.g. PLT or New Look. Overall is a great blog post and I enjoyed reading it and hearing you speak about it on a personal level and was powerful points.
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