Blog 2 : Themes Reflection

Now that I’ve begun my project, titled ‘Messaging Fashion’, I’ve engaged in an in-depth exploration of the Better Lives themes. By considering various social causes and investigating leading charities and organisations I’ve gained so much knowledge. It’s become apparent not only how important social issues can be, but how much influence and impact charities and organisations can have. Furthermore, I’ve been able to recognise the role of Fashion, particularly fashion media as a powerhouse in progressive conversations.

I will develop and carry forward my knowledge of these skill throughout my time at university.

It is without a doubt that I can say I will continue to pick up on the Better Lives themes throughout all of my briefs.

This extends to my personal projects; I will consider how my individual work can benefit others. For example, I could work collaboratively with a number of other creatives, writers or photographers to produce my work to a higher standard and represent more voices. I will be able to elaborate upon this, and use my platform as a creative to be socially active.

The Better Lives themes will also affect my professional life choices in the future, this will be increasingly helpful as it will install a sense of meaning to any work I may do.

Ultimately, I really believe that the Better Lives themes will imprint a sense of furthered insight on my working process in the future.

– Shaw Fowler

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