Yinhua Chen 18007246

– Blog2 : How the better lives themes might change the way you work in the future?

Firstly, I believe that the theme of better lives will occupy in both my recent study and future career. Due to the undivided relationship between the sustainable development and the fashion industry, well-being would be improved through fashion innovation, further stimulate the overall happiness in the society. From learning about this theme, I was motivated to consider about certain aspects of fashion industry that required us to create and develop.

The theme of inclusive design offer me the most inspiring ideas. The inclusive fashion not only focuses on fashion design itself, but also inspire people think the functionality, materiality, and visualization for those fashion products. To be more specific in my probable future career, the inclusive design will play a significant role for my creation progress. The first step for me probably is to complete the inclusive design process, including understanding context, design research, discovers needs, map insights, translating briefs, scenario building, user feedback, and resource building. The whole steps can help me to sort our ideas and then finish work well. For example, a deaf person can regain his hearing ability when offered a sound shirt with special textural material. However, searching the smart materials is a difficult thing for us to tackle with. For example, for material used in extreme climates, we need electro-active textiles with heated balaclava hats to accommodate such unusual condition. All in all, adequate research in the inclusive fashion design will be of great help to my future work.

Also, the fast developing technology can offer me inspirations in my future career. “trying to predict the future is like trying to drive down a country road at night with no lights while looking out the back window” form Peter Druker. Specifically, the Artificial intelligence can predict the consumer’s preference before the company design the products, which makes the deign become more focused and effective. Also, We need to think that when we road to the singularity what we should change and exploits it as an opportunity. The technology enrich the consuming possibility by creating platform online, because just as Peter Druker said, “the best way to predict the future is to create it.” People can shop in places that don’t exist, like Amazon, eBay, and so on. The whole fashion product market is expanded by Technology, which further facilitate the improvement of fashion itself. For me, I would cater into this main trend for my career.

Finally, society needs diversity and diversity in fashion industry, like online shopping, creative clothing material for well-being purposes. We need to think about them, do research on them, and finally bring them to reality.

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