Blog post 2

My second bog post is about how better lives lecture affects my future work style. My chosen lecture is emerging technologies in fashion by nick almond, nick opens the lecture by saying “technology allows us to do things we couldn’t do before, the future of technology means a change in all careers especially the fashion industry. 

Technologies are changing the way people shop and interact with fashion, through social media apps, retail shops and augmented realities. Brands are adapting to changes in order to get their products in front of their customer, this will change the future working style as I would have to make sure to create social media friendly content that will create a buzz and catch peoples attention. Furthermore utilising technology will allow the industry to be more sustainable e.g. creating virtual fashion shows. In the lecture we were shown a new technology in the industry that allows you to scan clothes and see exactly where it came from, thus shows that our physical reality is about to become blurred with the digital s it is important for us as creatives to get in the forefront of these new technologies. 

In the lecture we were shown that digital clothing could be made which allows people to try it on before it’s even made this means we will be able to completely re-design the way people interact with fashion and the clothing industry. 

I decided to do my own research in emerging fashion brands that utilise technology and came across Collusion Studios by ASOS, it is a new incubator brand developed by and for Gen Z; they collaborate with followers via social media to shape product and communications. They did this by asking their audience what they were inspired by through Instagram stories and using the poll function by putting out questions on everything from lighting to styling over the duration of the photoshoot. The outcome was that their followers had connected, created and curated a collection that they could call their own. 

Although it is difficult to see what to do for a better future as we don’t know what to expect from technology it is up to us to create our own digital realities because we have already seen a little bit of what is to come through things such as social media activism (#METOO, #BLACKLIVESMATTER, #FLINTWATERCRISIS), it has shown us the power of humans and technology together it can be really disruptive and create a positive difference. We are living in a borderless Internet which allows us to mix cultures, communities and mindsets; mixing our online with our real life. I feel that with the new technologies luxury brands have become more accessible and a lot of people feel the need to be a part of the conversation rather than an outsider looking in In future when creating events and experiences for a brand promotion I will ensure to have some sort of technological aspect that will allow the brand to be more accessible.

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