Diversity and Representation

After receiving the Better Life unites brief and attending numerous lectures thought out the course of the 2 weeks. I understand why the Tutors decided to choose these key themes which are Diversity, Social Responsibility and Sustainability as our main focus for the Better Life, as it is more current than ever and is factors that everyone should pay attention to in our practices. Looking thought out each of the lecture’s summaries, I found myself always being attracted towards lectures which features Diversity as their main focus. This is because, as I’m able to relate on a personal level and share my thought and experiences on what it’s like to be a minority. However, this does mean that I think Social Responsibility and Sustainability is not just as important as Diversity.

One of the most, memorable lectures I attended was about Representation by Teleica Kirkland. Throughout the lecture, she touched on topics such as why Diversity and Representation are necessary and Cultural Appropriation and Cultural Appreciation. I’ve always been interested in these two topics because as someone who doesn’t fit into the general stereotypical Asian women, I’ve always interested in how to introduce and bordered people knowledge of different cultures and people in Asia through my work.

Kirkland mentioned Dr Diana Yeh, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Culture and the Creative Industries in the University of London, researched Model minority in British East and South-East Asian. After hearing a bit of her research in the lecture, I did further research on her studies and I agree with Doctor Yay because many people might not notice but there has anyways a Hierarchy in Asia and who is the most desirable Caste and whom people trends to gravitate towards. We can see an example of this in every practise not just fashion. I’ve seen numerous collections and editorial where only a certain type of Asian are being used- the stereotypical Oriental look and never the South or South-East Asian which makes me wonder do the creator think that people won’t be able to tell the difference or are they just choosing what looks normal in the eyes of the world or are they just using them to use the word “Diversity”.

Teleica Kirkland definition of Cultural Appropriation shares the same values and understanding of my point of view as well. “It is about who has the power and who has the privilege to be able to use that power and whatever they want from any culture at any time without recompense or acknowledgement” I believe that is fine to take inspiration from other cultures but as long as you understand and acknowledge the history and value behind it. There are hundreds of brands who forget this value wrong seasons after season. For instances, Marc Jacobs, Loewe, Prada, Gucci, Givenchy, Balenciaga, Chanel etc… You would think a respected high-profile brand as they are, would know the differences between Cultural Appropriation and Cultural Appreciation. 

Diversity and Representation are fundamental and essential now than ever as boundaries between cultures and races are becoming burry and soon enough that boundaries will become invisible. Which only makes sense to start featuring and showcasing the real look of realty. 

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