Better Lives Blog Post 2

In the Better Lives unit, there are three themes included: Sustainability, Diversity and Social responsibility. Through the lectures I ready have a clear cognition about these three themes. Also, Better Lives push me into a different viewing I had never seen before about the whole fashion industry, and I find there are a lot of issues still need to solution, whatever is about the nature, humanities or the whole society. Therefore, as a part of the fashion industry, working for the media community, I realize that I have the responsibility to tell public the truth, and using my technical skills, using the camera to show how is the fashion industry going nowadays. 

After I have a basic understanding about these three themes, they reflect me to think how I can progress my career or job in the future. Because the global disaster problem brought by the apparel industry is becoming more and more serious, sustainable development has become the signboard used by various company brands. It is undoubtedly worthy of admiration to study the new industrial structure, industrial prospects and characteristics for the environment and society. At the same time, it greatly increases the diversity of products and brings more choices to customers. But while we try to deepen sustainable development and diversification, we cannot ignore the social responsibilities we have to bear for this. 

Although many brands have begun to move toward sustainable development, outside of the industry, consumers still use fast fashion, which is replaced frequently, as the main channel for consumption. There is no stable balance between business and fast fashion in a short period of time. As a necessary way for sustainable fashion, slowing down fashion is the first condition, similar to social recycling of old things, moral fashion, etc. Activities are what people need most attention at present. So how to make the entire society aware of these top issues in the fashion industry, how to raise these to a global hazard is the social responsibility that the entire fashion industry needs to bear, only to find that the problem will not improve anything, also it need take people to act to solve the problem. In this regard, fashion media is the simplest and most direct transmission channel. 

As a fashion photographer, making images is one of the most important things in the work, and photos should be showed about what I want to tell the public. In the current era of electronic digitization, I have to admit that the influence of text is far less than the image. Fashion photography can convert various environmental and social issues into images that have a very visual impact, and then use advertising media with a widespread, communicate to the whole society. And in today’s special period, it is the best time for the media to convey to the public. Because of the spread of the corona virus, people are forced to choose to isolate themselves, and the fashion industry has been severely affected. It is conclusive that the fashion industry will bring about an innovation. Therefore, during this period, we should show the public the dangers of fast fashion to the environment and society, and call on people to consume rationally, not blindly, and let slow fashion begin to become the mainstream.

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