Sustainability, diversity and social responsibility

Now more than ever, people, communities, companies are willing for a change. Developing a better future for the collective, bond closer, one to another and to the planet earth.

Sustainability, diversity and social responsibilities are the keywords for this unit, however, does not stop right here, it goes further. These are the fundamental steps that we have to begin with, to create our future society. Teach to new generations, but also to the whole society, the important role played from these, for a change into our communities.

Sustainability is the breaking point to move forward, cohabitate with the planet, evolve and be sustainable. We came across this word quite often lately. We heard from the media about the green deal, green economy, something that governments, companies are taking seriously right now, trying to stop the global warming and the critical situation, economical, political and sociological. Whilst there is much evidence that everybody can clearly see, some of our leaders claim the opposite, for instance, that global warming is a hoax.

Diversity is essential, taking as an example the variety of nature given to us, species that are connected with each other, vital for the survival of the ecosystem. Nowadays, it is inevitable to accept the diversity between cultures. Yet we are seeing globalization moving on, accelerating, which in some cases helped this acceptance of the diverse, but on the other hand, is threatening the possibility to keep traditions, rituals of cultures.

Social responsibility comes after you have acknowledged the previous 2 points of the unit, not because it is less important but because if you don’t understand sustainability or diversity you can’t apply your responsibility into your actions. If you are not aware of the consequences that one action can cause not following the previous 2 steps, you can’t be socially responsible.

This unit has an important role to enlight students on such important actions that are the keys to develop a better future society. 

Did this make an impact on my methods of shopping, work and living?

Yes, indeed. Working on this project gave me the opportunity to apply these 3 concepts into work and made me rethink some methods. I can say that I was already trying to have a low impact on the environment that surrounds me, I was acknowledged that diversity is essential, and act socially responsible. However, it seems that is never enough. The way I live is already changing and the community is changing too, the awareness is growing from young and old people of any culture. My work will and did change, is inevitable. Every past generation went through changes and now is our time to go forward and take actions to move on.

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