
After attending to all the lectures of the project better lives, I realized that my way of seeing the fashion industry and my subsequent way of working would change in fields like inclusivity, diversity or sustainability. The topic of sustainability has always been a priority for me, but after learning about the impact of the industry on the planet, my efforts will be mostly dedicated to respecting the environment.

As we already know, the biggest problem we are facing now is the planet impossibility of reabsorbing and synthesizing the large amount of waste that the human being has been generating over the past 40 years, so thinking of solutions to reduce that waste can have incredible benefits for our future well-being.

We, as fashion students, can help to fight the waste choosing biodegradable and sustainable materials. When it comes to makeup, we don’t use as many materials as for example in fashion clothing or pattern making, but even so, many of them are highly polluting, so replacing them with other eco-friendly options can make a difference.

As a future makeup artist, I am surrounded by thousands of chemical products and non-biodegradable materials that can be a danger to the environment. This can become a headache, how should I be concerned about the health of the environment around me if my work involves the use of products potentially dangerous for it? therefore, my duty as a professional will be to minimize the use of these products, experiment with different ways of approaching the same project with different materials without abusing or wasting them and strictly following the specifications of health and safety. 

Reducing waste is also crucial in this profession, since most products are disposable or made of plastic, reducing their use and recycling them is a must. For example, when removing makeup, now that I am fully aware of the crisis we are living, I will be replacing makeup remover wipes and cotton pads with microfiber towels, it would reduce the tons of waste produced each year from this type of hygiene product… Another way to reduce the wastage list, mostly made of plastic products, is by supporting brands and consuming sustainable products with biodegradable packagings such as bamboo, wood or other materials.

The recovery of our planet depends not only on how my way of working in the future can change but on how society evolves to adapt to the needs of our planet. That is why I believe that all these measures for the conservation of our environment and many others should be supported by governments, with zero tolerance for any discrepancy. Experts say that we have a period of ten years to reverse the effects of what could be the end of the human species and change my way of working (and everyone else’s) for a more sustainable one will be crucial. Big changes start with small steps.


Fletcher, K. (2020) ‘ Nature’ [Lecture]. Better Lives, London College of Fashion, 12 February


Trash, Sebnem Coskun (2019)

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