lecture reflection task

The lecture I have found that has resonated the most with me throughout the better lives lecture period has been the Laura Salisbury talk about Inclusivity. This lecture started by providing a sort definition for how the word is effective in the fashion industry. So, in my case, it was being able to not just see my work or idea from one prospective but also being able to see it from another, considering both the positives and negatives. 

Laura then continued to provide the class with a range of examples where inclusivity has been accomplished and prosecuted in the fashion industry. One of the main ideas she showed which I was particularly interested in was the nearable strength wearable pods. These pods were initially designed for the elderly but due to their inclusive design were found to be very useful also to people with disabilities such as people who had have strokes or had a muscle impairment. However this is where the argument of being truthy inclusive comes into play , as though very useful for these different minority’s they are possibly have some elements of question for example they might be  very comfy for some of these people or maybe they are difficult to put on so for old people this could be a big deal breaker when considering buying them. 

Laura also provided the class with few different methods when It comes to working with your idea so it’s able to develop and also move into this concept of inclusiveness. the main tool which I found really enlighten and was something I wanted to use in the feature of my research was the double diamond method. This double diamond method works by starting the centre of where the two diamonds meet which in context would be your idea and then working backwards to then develop your idea and gain a greater understanding of what you are working on. The diamond includes discovering your idea, defining it, developing and then delivering it. I think this is a really good and useful  visual tool to use in throughout not only university but also in my own personal projects to create more depth and also more character to my ideas. 

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