After attending and reflecting on numerous of the Better Lives lectures, my thoughts on Power and Responsibility have been extremely provoked, in particular. Not just the power that the fashion industry has over us, and me as a student of fashion; but the contrasting power that we, us, and I, have over the industry- as a consumer.
It was eye-opening to hear and explore the many aspects in which the industry is lacking in the 3 themes; sustainability, diversity and social responsibility. I was not only responding from the eyes of an active consumer, but also as a student and future member of the industry one day.
I couldn’t help but take away and feel a responsibility to make immediate change. It is so easy to fall in to the habit of thinking that one person can’t change the industry and it’s habits, which in some ways is true- one can not necessarily do it alone. I have adapted in my ways of thinking to understand that as a collective, it is our responsibility to do our own bit, in order to make a bigger, impactful change to the industry; and therefore the sustainable life span of the Earth.
It is extremely saddening to see the impacts of neglect that we, ourselves, have on the Earth. It saddens me to see not only the neglect of the environment, but the neglect of diversity still to this day within the media, fashion practices, shows, the list goes on. Whilst acknowledging that there are many brands, publications and creatives among us that are diverse, sustainable, and responsible with everything they do and stand for; there is also a huge percentage of those that ignore the problems.
Diversity is not new. Diversity is something that has been and will continue to be among us for many years to come. Unfortunately, for many years, the responsibility of inclusion of others has been payed no attention. I don’t know about you, but as a creative and producer of art, I refuse to overlook the fact that I am part of the journey to a fair and diverse world. People are so quick to assume that diversity represents only people of a different race; as student among our work, we must not only represent those of other races, but those of age, disability, sexuality, gender, religion, identity and reassignment. It is us that they must listen to, consume and copy.
I want the world to get to a place where people don’t have to applaud every time a brand or creative do ‘something diverse’. My goal is for us to get the world to a place where a diverse representation in the media and other outlets, is the norm. It needs to become part of our everyday life and practise.
Reflecting back and to summarise; the message I would like to get across, if anything; is that we as consumers and students of an industry that needs immediate change, MUST remember that we have the power over what we create and what we consume. Be wise, be conscious and be responsible, and others will follow.