Project outcome (Blog 3) – William Byrne

Before the pandemic, I had been in contact with TRAID, and they were willing to help us out with this project in any way that they could, I even talked to the head stylist at TRAID and he was very helpful and was looking forward to helping us and working with us to create our desired outcome. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, my group were unable to create the vision we first came up with as we are now dispersed all over the world, and it is unsafe to do the photoshoots with models as planned due to the social distancing measures put in place by the government. However, me and my group managed to have a rethink of our ideas and created a video montage using videos from TRAID’s youtube channel, as well as our own videos, and clips from previous advertisement campaigns such as Stella Mccartney’s winter 2017 campaign, which was shot in rural places as well as a landfill site. We found this advert to be very powerful and gave out the message we wanted too, hence why it was included. We then paired all of this together with a voiceover explaining the importance of second-hand clothing, charity shops and sustainability, and how if we all change just one little thing in our lives we can create a better world for future generations.

I must say I am very impressed with the overall outcome of my groups project. The audio and the video montage work well together, and the message that we want to convey comes across very clearly.  Under the current circumstances we communicated well and worked well together as a team. I do however, wish we had shot more of our previous idea before the social distancing measures came into place, but then again none of us were expecting a pandemic, so I can’t exactly blame myself, my group or the university for the difference in our outcome. I am a person that sees good in everything, but I am also a person that believes that even great things can be improved upon. I feel that we could’ve added a wider variety of people in the videos that we shot ourselves, or even just added more clothing pieces to make the montage a bit more fashion-led, I also feel that we could have talked more about how greedy capitalism is to blame for the mess that the planet is currently in. I do however understand that not everybody can afford to spend a little bit more money on clothes, but if everybody came together and demanded that multi-billion pound corporations change their fast fashion ways by ensuring workers rights, fair pay, fair treatment, both in-store and in overseas sweatshops/workplaces, and a higher quality of clothing produced instead of producing billions of poorly made clothes that will last less than a year. If this uprising happened then the world would be a better, more equal and more healthy place to live.

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