How the lecture around “Power” has shaped my thinking on the fashion industry and creating better lives

Power is shown through the fashion industry in many ways which I surpassed without realising the effect it has to that specific role. Roles such as the royals, military, politics and the media show varied ranges of power through the fashion those industries where. The uniforms and outfits that are worn have a big impact but because they we know nothing else we take this for advantage. The outfits are used to symbolise roles and higher hierarchy and to separate importance from unimportant. Throughout this lecture it reminded me of the understanding and history behind the fashion that is most of the time forgotten about because it is now known as the norm. 

A big part of the lecture hit home and I found I could relate to. The power of fashion through the media is a well known topic and is constantly spoken about for many reasons. The main reason is shaped around the “perfect” lifestyle that is shown on social media. What influencers wear on social media will have an impact on their following. I know that I have personally found myself comparing what I wear and how I look to other influencers that I have followed on instagram. Questioning why I haven’t thought about that outfit. “ I want to look like that” “Where is that from” “I won’t look as good as them in that”. It is a constant thought that most teenagers and users of them app will at some point come across whilst using it. From learning the facts that instagram has 45% of users in Britain following fashion accounts it makes me feel like Im not alone on those thoughts. Social media has more power than most, and it can be used for good and bad. It is a growing industry but we need to make sure it is always used for positive uses.

I heard during the lecture “ We are the driver of trends, and every time we buy something, we’re voting with our wallet.” It had an impact I didn’t think it would have. It made me think twice about buying items and instead going down more of a economically friendly way of shopping through second hand buying.

The power that we as consumers have in the fashion industry is way greater than I think most people know. We are constantly buying one use pieces of clothing and not having a second though on what that could be doing to our environment and planet. Its though that 75% of those pieces of clothing will end up in a landfill or incinerated creating fumes and pollution to our world. We have forgotten the true meaning of fashion which is expressing ourselves. Instead we have gained too much power and are wasting that opportunity on clothes that have one chance and are wasted. 

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