Better Lives Themes Reflection (2)

The option I chose for the Better Lives unit was Fashion Activism. During this unit we’ve begun to exercise the better lives themes and I have been learning how it can be applied to my main discipline. I am a styling and production student, and I think creative direction and styling go hand in hand when it comes to bringing a concept to life for an advertisement or other platform. I think that the diversity theme will change the way I work by allowing me to think of out-of-the-box concepts and concepts that connect with more than one kind of person. It can also be as simple as including different models or people from different backgrounds in my overall concept. The social responsibility theme will change the way I work by creating an awareness to what brands are being socially responsible and incorporating them in my work. Because my discipline involves clothing, I want to contact and source clothing from socially responsible stores and designers that can hold themselves responsible for the impact they create in the world due to the construction of their garments. Lastly, I think that the sustainability theme will change the way I work in the future by trying to make the most of what I have on hand, supporting and sourcing sustainable clothing from stores and designers, and simply limiting the way that I collect those items or the transportation/impact of a shoot. For example, if I needed to go on a shoot and needed to source a bunch of clothing, and take that to a shoot, I would have to consider the shipment or transportation to get the clothing, the transportation(s) to get to the shoot location and everything in between. Overall, I think that the better lives themes will make me more aware of the way I do my own practice and the people that I involve in my practice. 

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