Blog Post 2 Refection on My Fashion Activism Lectures

I have found my chosen better lives lectures which is about fashion activism very informative and interesting. I think that I have learnt a lot from these lectures and it has taught me to think more about creative direction, when creating projects, and to look at the deeper meanings of such things as advertising in giff and promotional videos , and why they have chosen to use certain colours, text and sounds to trigger different moods and feelings.

My lectors in my chosen subject were very good at keeping everyone interested and focused. I found that all the visual resources that they showed us really did expanded my knowledge on fashion advertisements throughout the years. Which were useful and helped me gain a massive insight into  apart of the fashion industry that I haven’t really thought about before. I feel that this will help me when I am making my own projects, as I will be able to think about the creative direction process , and not just think about strictly hair and makeup.

I really liked learning about this specialism. I feel that it is very different to my chosen degree but it also linked to my subject as they may well go hand in hand. This was heavily theory based and included some visual representations. This as helped me understand how important it is to have the right image and film clips to grab the customers  attention and being visually appeasing.

To conclude I have very much enjoyed learning about fashion Activism and creative direction and I now know how closely linked both subjects are and how they will affect the business I will be in. Which will now make me aware of how things are promoted and the techniques used to persuade people on what to wear and what to buy. In the future I feel that this will help me as now I will be able to think about both subjects when creating future concepts and projects.

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