Blog Post 2

Blog Post 2 

Over the course of the 2 week period, the Better Lives lectures covered a broad spectrum of relevant social and political topics. Topics such as sustainability, empathy, culture and many more. 

It is highly beneficial that individuals are accurately educated on these factors because they influence your behaviours and how you will successfully work in the future.  

Sustainability is something which needs to be addressed urgently within the fashion industry. This is because the fashion industry contributes to a significant amount of waste produce. In order to become completely sustainable every aspect of the fashion chain needs to be addressed, from the suppliers to the consumer. 

Moving forward, to improve my awareness of the concept I believe it is key to understand where a brand sources their materials as well as conducting relevant research into how sustainable a production process has been.  It is also crucial for me as a fashion student to cut down on the amount of clothing I consume, due to the amount of waste and damage to the environment this can cause. 

Diversity is currently one of the main focus’s within the fashion community. In previous years the fashion industry has been called out  multiple times for the lack of representation it has shown across campaigns and runway shows. However today’s society is made up of a wide range of cultures, body types, ages and genders, It is important that these different types of race, age , body types  are reflected through fashion campaigns and runway shows in order to successfully appeal to consumers and start a real force for change.  

I now understand that in order for diversity to show, fashion brands need to become diverse at every level of the company, starting with not just the models but the employees behind the scenes.  Having a diverse range of employees allows companies to benefit from different perspectives and would create a sense of community with one another. 

To conclude, I personally believe that it is now important when creating my own work I am able to emphasise with people from different backgrounds and ensure that I remain inclusive when working with group of individuals. As I am currently studying Fashion PR, It is crucial for me to represent fashion brands which are enforcing inclusivity, but this also puts me in the perfect position to highlight the issue further and continue to improve on this topic through my work.  

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