Blog post 2 – Reflection of themes

The fashion industry is an industry that touches everyone’s lives every day. There is no person that is not in contact with fashion on a daily basis, whether it is in the form of wearing clothes or looking at clothes. Therefore, it is important that it is an industry that demonstrates good morals with respect. Learning about sustainability, diversity and social responsibility in the fashion industry is beneficial for us students to know about and have a relationship with for the future. 

Being a PR & Communications student, my role is to relay information from companies to the public, and at this unprecedented time that we are living right now, the Better Lives themes will definitely have an impact on my future career and thinking. 

Living through a time like this when a virus has managed to clean up the earth in three months whilst people have been demonstrating and fighting for a cleaner climate for decades, it is amazing to see how the world is healing so fast. When this is all over, most of us will surely think twice about polluting or being sustainably irresponsible. However, if people’s finances and businesses are in shambles, they are likely to come out of this crisis more concerned with fighting to survive and building a life again than worrying about the survival and health of the earth. Therefore, it will be more vital than ever to communicate the importance of climate change, as well as environmental and social sustainability. Learning more about sustainability, diversity and social responsibility in the fashion industry will definitely have an impact on how I value and relate to these themes in the near future.

PR and Communication teams around the world will now be helping governments, and not only companies, to spread awareness of their strategies on how they are going to rebuild the economy, workforce and societies, which includes the fashion industry. Until now, the fashion industry has accounted for more pollution than any other industry, and governments should therefore set aside a significant part of the funds towards the effects of the virus for the fashion industry in order to encourage the practice of sustainable buisness. Our task will be to encourage the politicians and authorities to spread the awareness of these three different topics in the aftermath of this crisis. 

Sustainability, diversity and social responsibility will always be three fundamental topics in every business and it will be my job to make sure that the company’s relationship to the public is as positive as possible. That is why I will be able to take the Better Lives lectures with me in the future.

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