Blog 2 – Themes reflection

In this unit of Better Live, three themes of sustainability, diversity and social responsibility are brought out by fashion. Understand the issues behind fashion that are easily overlooked. This unit is excellent for me to learn how to guide the development of fashion positively. Before this unit, my understanding of fashion was superficial. This unit gave me a more in-depth and deeper understanding of fashion, and also realized that fashion has a high impact on our lives. At the same time, I am also reflecting on my wrong consumption concept of fashion.

The concept of sustainability I will not associate it with fashion before this unit. After listening to lectures and doing some research, I realized that I have no idea of the impact on the environment of the fashion industry. Fast fashion, cheap clothes often attract me to buy, but many clothes will be thrown away by me a few times. This kind of non-environmental protection behaviour not only exists in me; it is universal. Many people actually do not understand how the fashion industry will affect the environment.Moreover, changing this situation requires the efforts of the whole society. It is necessary to use the power of the media to let people understand what sustainable fashion is, to fundamentally conceptualize people’s bad consumption habits. The fashion industry needs to seek how to use a more environmentally friendly production system. Whether using environmentally friendly fabrics or recycling clothes is a good measure. Changes have been made from the individual to the industry. I believe that fashion sustainability will become more and more perfect, and the earth’s ecological environment will become better and better.

Under the influence of the era of globalization, the diversity of the fashion industry has dramatically increased. The importance of diversity in the fashion industry in recent years can be seen not only from the racial level but also from the cultural level. I feel fortunate that I can learn in such an environment where people with different cultural backgrounds can be reached, which has given me much insight. As a future makeup artist, people with different skin tones and body shapes will be of great help to my makeup skills. I will be familiar with the future working environment in advance. The increase in diversity can also be said to increase people’s inclusiveness. Facing different cultures, people respond with tolerance and respect. In fact, I think that whether sustainability and diversity want to develop better is based on social responsibility. Only when the whole society realizes the importance of these and realizes that only the actions of each component of society can make the world change. Better.

In this unit, I learned a lot and reflected a lot and realized that everyone’s actions in daily life would affect the world. To enhance our responsibility to society and make changes in the core meaning of the better live unit.

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