Blog 2:Reflections on how the Better Lives themes might change how you work in the future

Through various lectures on social responsibility, diversity, and sustainability included in better lives, I have learned a lot of knowledge. These lectures have helped me transform my thinking into the way of future works.

First of all, with regard to sustainable development, due to the rise of fast fashion, people ’s desire to buy is becoming stronger and stronger. Because the price of high-quality and low-cost clothes has fallen, more and more clothes have become disposable things, which consumers have the ability to keep up with every accelerating style change, so clothes can almost be discarded. I think this is a manifestation of irresponsibility for a sustainable society. As a student of creative direction for fashion, I decided to build a sense of environmental protection for the audience by shooting or building a website. As far as shooting is concerned, I can look for a natural environment and let the models wear second-hand clothes or clothes of sustainable materials to use their bodies to show the power of natural beauty. In this way, customers will be curious about the clothes in the works and where to buy it, they will search for more information to protect nature. As far as building a website is concerned, I think that major brands can establish a website that exchanges with each other. For example, customers can exchange their old clothes for brand vouchers. In this way, the brand can not only use materials to protect the environment, but also benefit customers, or It is said that old clothes can be cleaned and treated as other vintages to other people in need. I think that such continuous recycling is very beneficial to the protection of the environment.

Secondly, I chose the photography portrait project in the better lives unit. In this unit, the teacher gave us many photographers, such as Hippolyte Bayard, David Bradley Armstrong, Samuel Fosso, etc. Their works have strong national cultural characteristics, and I think this has a great effect on preserving the history and continuing culture. At the same time, I also found some documentaries about photographers to watch. Especially the movie “Face, Village” inspired me to think about future works. Because the film tells that Anes Varda and street artist JR drove a small truck through a French village. They photographed the characters they encountered along the way and posted these photos in a row on the wall in order to express respecting these ordinary workers. So I want to make some works in the future works to contribute to society and express the excellent culture of my country in the works.

Finally, I watched Teleica Kirkland’s lecture on Representation, which also benefited a lot. She talked about Wafrica’s project. I really like this project. This project is a kimono created by the combination of Chinese and African culture and Japanese culture. I feel very creative. I think it is very important to cooperate with partners from different countries and cultures, which can not only expand the horizon but also obtain an inclusive aesthetic way. Therefore, I would like to cooperate and communicate with many people of different races in the future.

To conclude,I am still looking for different knowledge. The above are just my current thoughts. Maybe my thoughts will be better in the future. Thank you for reading!

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