Blog2 Theme Reflection

There are a couple of aspects that need to be considered in the theme of “Better Lives” with diversity, sustainability and social responsibility. During I realized all the topics, I found sustainability is the most inspiring thing for me. Because my Better Lives elective course is Make-up Break Down, I will contact the course content to conceive my theme and design.

However, the research on cosmetics attracted me deeply. I found that in modern society, with people’s hobby of makeup, all kinds of skin care products and cosmetics are produced. However, the shelf life of many skin care products and cosmetics is actually not long, some may be stored for several years, but some products can only expire one week after opening. But as we buy more and more products, there will be more and more expired products that need to be abandoned, and we will throw them away. Because if you continue to use it, it is likely to damage the skin. This is actually not conducive to sustainable development.

In my opinion, for cosmetics, of course, I hope we could try to use more organic and long-term storage. But for me, I should do some makeup for connect with this topic, in my make-up break down lessons. In the course, I learned the basic makeup knowledge clearly, which is more brilliant and more experiment rather than in my major classes for performance makeup, especially the basic theory of skin colour for choosing foundation and the contour role. I think that helps a lot through those lessons. And then, we also learned about two topics, fashion mistake and imperfect. In the practice of the class, I also tried to make it for a limited two hours.

The first one is imperfect, I tried to present a perfect makeup, and used eyebrow pencil to spot a lot of spots in the middle of my face, which symbolizes a little lack of beauty. The makeup is perfect, but the spots on the face take away part of the beauty and make it imperfect.

The second one is fashion mistake. I have been thinking about the topic of fashion mistake for a long time, because in fact at the beginning, I did not particularly understand this topic. But the mentor said that this makeup is not necessarily classic makeup, you can use various materials to replace cosmetics, so I still did it according to my feelings. After I finished the foundation and tried to find materials to connect with this theme, I saw colorful tape on my desk, and my idea comes out: I drew one eyebrow and the other eyebrow was replaced with black tape; I drew blue eye shadow on the right eye, then cut a small piece of blue tape and attached it on the left eyelid; blush, I I drew the face on the left, and I put red tape on the right face; finally I applied lipstick on the upper lip, and then put another red tape on the lower lip to replace the lipstick.

I think this is an interesting theme, so I also plan to choose this theme, do more research and development, and finally make my final design. I will also consider the subject of sustainability. I think that after studying better lives this time, I will consider diversity, social responsibility, and sustainability more in my future works and strive to make better works in my better lives.

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