Blog Post 1- Empathy

Blog Post 1 

Empathy- Professor Lorraine Gamman.

Having attended a variety of lectures produced by the better lives unit, Lorraine Gamman’s  outlook on the topic of empathy captivated me the most. 

Prior to the lecture I understood the basic meaning of ‘Empathy’ and how one should posses this emotion in order to understand someone else’s feelings and experiences.  However, Lorraine opened my eyes to many different aspects empathy can be implemented to,  such as design, clothing and accessories. 

The lecture explored a range of theories which inevitably become a crucial part in understanding an individual or possible target audience for a designer. I now recognise that the more empathetic research undertaken the more successful a project will be. 

The act of creating empathic ‘things’ or experiences allows diverse groups within society to come together and effectively understand one another from a more emotional point of view. 

One empathetic experience project which I thought was effective was created by the Rideout Organisation. The concept ‘GO TO JAIL’  allowed the public to step inside the life of a prisoner.  The organisation designed a cell to give the public a first hand feeling of real life confinement. 

There are many ways empathy can be embedded into the fashion world, fashion can become inclusive, culturally appropriate and give a voice vulnerable people. In todays society many brands are already incorporating these factors into their campaigns , one example being Dove’s ‘Real Beauty; campaign which showcases a diverse range of women.  Brands such as Nike are becoming more empathetic towards different cultures, recently showcasing a more modest approach to sport, launching a Hijab for muslim women to wear when exercising. 

Overall this lecture broadened my outlook on the topic of empathy. I have now grasped that in order to create a successful design in today’s society, it must genuinely be an effective service to someone else and be inclusive of all ages, races and body types.  As well as this provide opportunities to vulnerable people rather than just creating for profit. 

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