Blog 2 – Reflection on how Better lives themes might change how you work in the future.

After following all the lectures of this unit, I could say that the Better lives themes of sustainability, social responsibility and diversity gave me the opportunity to shape my way of thinking and it also encouraged me to open up to others, to share and to communicate. Being deeply aware of what is happening around us really helped me understand that I have the power to change the world. I always tried to be more sustainable and socially responsible in my everyday life. Although, I realise that I need to educate myself more in order to act in a right way. Many lectures caught my interest and made me reflect; I’ve been spending money only for the desires of getting access to cheap products without actually knowing what there is behind it in terms of work condition and salaries. As a consumer, I want to revisit my well-being and challenge my self to do better. What I consider important now is the awareness of what we doing, how we can make this planet sustainable and reduce any waste. Any step we take cannot be wrong anymore as there is no more time to waste.
I feel like I never really thought about diversity in fashion. One of my challenge will be now exploring more the concept of identity and break the barriers to promote self acceptance and embrace differences. I will work on the representation of reality and not on what we see on social media. Most of the time we hide ourselves, because we don’t accept our body type or aesthetic. This happens also because many fashion brands are not showing inclusivity, making us feel like we need to change in order to be accepted in our society. Brands will not shift consumers shopping habits towards more consciousess if they refuse to represent the diverse array of consumers that exist. The first step is to change the fashion system in order to be open and listen to the voices of those who feel under-represented.
As a fashion stylist student i will try to produce sustainable work, using recycled clothes or collaborating with sustainable fashion brands, buying second hand products and remaking them my own. In Lorrain Gamman’s lecture, she argues about empathy, I feel like I need to be also more emphatic with who i collaborate, understanding their needed and creating strong concepts.

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