After watching the lectures there were two that stood out to me in terms of the criteria for the second blog post. These were the lectures by Cher potter discussing the theme of Perspective and the lecture by Teleica Kirkland on Representation. Thinking about different perspectives and not just my own and how they are relevant in the fashion industry gave me a really interesting insight to how interacting with those different perspectives, understanding them and using them to widen my own could benefit future pieces of my work. I really enjoyed how Potter questioned the possibilities of scenarios within the fashion industry and asked why these things are impossible whilst going on to explain it is due to our perspectives and their limitations. For example the fact that nobody being able to have a global perspective as we are all from only one place. I took from that the wider we can get our perspectives the more room that allows for creativity and diversity within our work. Everything is “biased and filtered” that has encouraged me to be more aware and in tune with my surrounding, socially, mentally and physically in order to broardern views on everything.

Furthermore, the lecture Teleica Kirkland did on Representation made me look closer into elements of the fashion industry and my own work. There was a part where Kirkland went on to discuss narrow ideologies, and how this means within the mass media there is one accepted look. One form of beauty as such. Due to me studying makeup design I found this part of the lecture incredibly insightful. The media has such power and control over our work. Especially living in the digital world we do today. I don’t ever want to feel as though my creations ever comply with these damaging and ignorant views of their only being one form of beauty amongst all people. This has driven me to not only push the boundaries when producing in the future but also challenging these narrow ideas and creating a new and inclusive representation. This lecture has encouraged me to delve deeper into the representation of my future work and I continue to keep evolving with my ideas. It has also taught me how significant the way in which you not only represent your work but the ideas and concept behind the finished product is. It is all part of the journey.

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