Will you change your way of working or will you keep it?
In this blog post, I will talk about how the different themes introduced in the Better Lives unit influenced me and might influence my future works and projects. In my opinion, not all subjects can be linked to my future projects but can be to my personal life and personal choices. This is why I decided to include only one of the themes in the development and talk about the others less in details.
The importance of diversity in Hair and Makeup for Fashion
During my Hair and Makeup for Fashion lectures, we worked a lot on each other and so on different skin types, skin tones, eyes and face shapes,… Diversity is in my opinion one of the most important aspect in my subject of study. To touch as many people as possible, you need to have many different models so everyone can identify to at least one of them. It would permit me and what I do to have more visibility and more clients. And even in general, everyone should be able to find someone they can identify to, someone who is wearing makeup and being a model. From small sizes to bigger sizes, from black people to white people and all face shapes and bodies. Back a few years ago Fashion was very inclusive, still is now even though things are finally changing more and more over time. I feel like my future projects and works can help those changes to keep happening and everyone to feel confident about themselves. This power is in our hands and we are the ones who can make change happen. From now on, I decided I wouldn’t always use the same models for my projects like my friends,… and I would try to communicate about different subjects and cultures and that is where the choice of the model is the most important. For my last project, I choose to research about Pakistan and realise different looks about it : I couldn’t choose anyone else than my Pakistani friend as choosing a model with an other ethnicity might have been taken as culture appropriation and wouldn’t have make any sense to me.

To conclude, one of the other subjects that will influence my way of thinking and living but this time in my personal life is well – being and more especially the work conditions of clothes makers and so where the clothes I buy are coming from. Before, I used to buy anything that I liked without really caring about where the clothes were coming from. After the Better Lives lectures, I started to pay attention to what I was buying and try to find informations about the conditions in which the clothes were make. But most importantly, I started to ask myself if I really needed those clothes and if I couldn’t buy something else instead and break, as explained during the lectures, this cycle of fast Fashion where you are never truly satisfied and always need to buy new things. I hadn’t thought about this more psychological aspect and it made me realise it happened at least once to everyone.
Byrdie (2018) Available at : https://www.byrdie.com/diversity-in-beauty-summit (Accessed : 4.20.20).
References :
Pictures 1 , 2 and 3 : Byrdie (2018) Available at : https://www.byrdie.com/diversity-in-beauty-summit (Accessed : 4.20.20).