Blog 1
I really like the different ways LCF decided to introduce sustainability, diversity and social issues into our course. I found the lectures very refreshing and interesting. I chose Cher Potter’s Perspective lecture to focus on because it just stood out for me. I really liked the way she spoke about getting deep in cultural history and recreating it through fashion. I’m from Hungary, but I moved away at a very young age so I never really though to connect fashion with my culture at such a deep level.
This inspired me to look a little more into the history and culture of Hungary and learn further about this topic, not only to try and translate it to fashion but also to try and connect with it and understand it a bit more.
Modern take on Hungarian Embroidery Traditional Hungarian Embroidery
I found that the traditional clothing of Hungarians has already been used in todays fashion. Floral embroidery is one of the main factors in Hungarian culture, not only on clothes but also within interior design, art, pottery and any surface they could paint on or embroid into.I appreciated learning about African achievements too as we don’t often learn about that area of the planet. I loved learning how they recreated history as well as how tech advanced they are- this isn’t something we tend to hear about.
Furthermore, I wanted to talk about Julia Crews Lecture on ‘Power’ and the frustration of the awareness of big issues like sustainability and unfair pay, however nobody is stopping it. Who is supposed to? I feel like its such a vicious circle that its impossible for just, for example the producer, to stop this. In order to live in a fair and sustainable world, we would need an agreement from all aspects , starting with the brands all the way to the consumers. I also feel like overconsumption could be resolved in a very similar way because if clothes were a little more expensive, people would make smarter choices perhaps, and would also result to workers being able to get a higher pay that they deserve.
To conclude, I really feel like our generation must really step up and try and make the difference in the world of fashion and open up more ethically correct doors, as well as being a lot more aware of events and people globally.