Reflections on how the Better Lives themes might change my work in the future

The main three topics that we had to engage with this unit was sustainability, social responsibility and diversity. In the beginning of the unit I was quite skeptical, as we encounter these topics very often in our daily routine. Subsequently I was surprised by how lecturers were able to deliver all classes with me having some after-thoughts and reflections on different societal crisis. I understood why it is so important to enlighten my generation, so that we could shift our future to a brighter one. As a community we have to learn to be socially responsible as we have to embrace thoughtful decisions which would be measured in prosperity of a humankind as well as the planet. In her lecture about power and responsibility in the fashion industry Julia Crew mentioned that according to Oxfam it takes four days for a CEO from one of the top five global fashion brands to earn what a third-world country garment worker would earn in a lifetime. It creates a huge economic injustice, causing the rich to get richer and the poor to face tremendous poverty, harassment, and a risk of injuries by working in inhumane conditions. I have found it interesting how Nick Almond in his lecture about emerging technologies presented a new shift for a Blockchain technology to be adjusted to the fashion industry and how it would allow people to track the supply chain of the clothing. It would make it easier to see where your clothing pieces origin from, leading to choosing more responsibly and taking fair-trade more seriously. Another great use of blockchain would be detailed tracking on the composition of the item creating a larger space for sustainability in the life of modern society. By choosing more sustainable materials our community could diminish the footprint of the fashion industry, which is the second most impactful one on the planet. My personal project for this unit was based on climate change and by exploring it I found ways to go green suitable for me. However, there are two ways to look into sustainability, what I have never considered before. John Lau’s lecture about cultural sustainability gave great insights on how we should sustain culture as well as planet. It is extremely important for us, as socially responsible individuals, to spread awareness and prevent cases of cultural appropriation to become a fully diverse community. By embracing and observing this cultural diversity we have around the globe, we can grow, learn and develop.

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