The fashion of equal opportunities

Not long ago I have attended a lecture which was focusing on representations in Fashion. The session was hosted by Teleica Kirkland, fashion historian and creative director of CIAD organization. The content of the lecture was very informative and engaging as the background of the lecturer is very relevant to the main topic- she is a woman of color, who works in the fashion industry and suffers from racism and exclusivity. In my opinion, her experience as a creative director of Costume institute of African Diaspora, an organization that aims to spread awareness of the history and culture of African dressing, helped to expand the topic of representations and cultures.  

The hour I’ve spent on the lecture was very informative as the topics such as diversity, inclusivity, cultural appropriation and appreciation were raised. Even though Teleica Kirkland mentioned Asian and disabled people, she was mainly talking about cases related to racism and biased opinion towards black people and the way their culture has been appropriated. So sometimes I felt like that even if she was trying to highlight the importance of the inclusivity, she was underrepresenting other minority groups. 

However, providing a quality example of cultural appreciation has impressed me the most. I was surprised to discover about Wafrica project. I think it’s a masterpiece where beauty, fashion, history, and culture intersects. It’s a platform that demonstrates the harmony and diversity of the world. Wafrica is a conversation between two ancient, strong and sophisticated identities- Japan and Africa. 

I have experienced misrepresentations and stereotypes in my life as I’m Asian- looking girl who speaks Russian. Not many people know my country or know it by “Borat” film by Sacha Baron Cohen, which inaccurately portrays my country and culture.  

So this lecture has made me think about the vital role of inclusivity and diversity not only in fashion but in every field of our lives. Inclusivity is not a trend, it is a demand of time.  Without understanding and acceptance of ourselves in the first place, it’s almost impossible to build a friendly environment on the Earth. Fashion can reform society as a whole to provide all possible assistance to every person. Individuals should admit that every life matters. And the only way to make people’s lives better is respect and tolerance towards others. You cannot expect people to know and support you, your background and culture if you aren’t doing the same to them. Fashion is not only the brand clothes we put on ourselves, but fashion is also an interaction between societies, groups, and individuals. And without those interactions and unstoppable conversations, it would be hard to create better lives for all people on our planet.

Let us live in harmony and accept the world as it is, by providing help sincerely to those who need it.

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