Reflection on lectures
For my blog post I have decided to reference the fourth lecture by Claire discussing the topic of ‘Collaboration’. I decided to choose this lecture above all to transgress how I see fashion creating better lives is because so many things she touched on and explored did shape my view and allow me to see advantages and opportunities fashion can bring to people and their lives. Firstly not only does collaborative work allow individuals to grow their knowledge, viewpoint, cooperative skills but also as a person which enables people to create amazing, strong peices of work as a collective. Team work creates an inclusive working environment for people to join, allowing them to feel a part of something much bigger which I feel is so valuable in life. It lets people to feel part of something and have their ideas and contributions heard and accepted. These are all aspects that help people progress and gain self confidence to go on and create.
There were several examples shown on big fashion brands such as Dolce&Gabbana and supreme doing very diverse collaborations in order to voice a message or belief. Personally, I found the collaboration between supreme and Anne golding to be most insightful as it showed how there is so much more depth to fashion and what is allows people to do and feel. Through this collab Golding was able to use this as a huge platform to represent her ideas of transgender culture in the U.S. what this tells me is how fashion gives people the power they need to explore and show their views and beliefs on a much larger scale. Not only that, but fashion encourages people to be proud of their views through self expression by wearing pieces that represent these much more serious, deeper matters.
Claire also spoke about a project named ‘Rethinking Rehabilitation’ which she herself was a part of alongside MA Menswear students and designer Bethany Williams. This project involved working with a rehabilitation unit in Italy as well as women in prison to create the final pieces for this project. Women were tasked to create the accessories and the individuals in Italy contributed to the used sources to create the materials. Key themes for this project were: protest, survival and migration. I found this project above all most eye opening really into the opportunities and platforms fashion really does give to people. Through this project a diverse group of individuals were able to come together as one. As part of something. In order to create some beautiful pieces which represented a much larger and deeper meaning then just ‘clothes.’ Less fortunate people or people in difficult situations were able to join in something positive and creative allowing their efforts and creativity to be seen and enjoyed by many. This is something both empowering and beautiful all sourced by people coming together through fashion.
7th May 2020 @ 12:08 pm
Peer refection Blog post.
After reading quite a few different SMC blog posts I came across Katie Daykin-Jones first blog post about the better lives lectures in this she spoke a lot about the fourth lecture by Claire. This blog really caught my eye as I feel like she really went into detail into what she has learnt so far in the better lives lectures. I have chosen to review Katies work as she is on the same course as me, and I wanted to see what she had taken from the better lives’ unit. After reading her review it was very clear that she that had understood about expanding her knowledge on important topics and themes.
Katie has stated that she found the collaboration between supreme and Anne Golding insightful and how it shows that there is more depth in fashion, and how fashion shows how people feel and think within what they wear. I think was a very important thing to take from these lectures as I learnt this too. I think that Katie really has expressed how she feels the better lives theme are entwined into the fashion industry and how she has made them relate to the her current course.
After reading the whole blog post I can tell that Katie has learnt a lot from the first week of the better lives lectures. The part of her blog which interested me the most was when she talks about the ‘Rethinking Rehabilitation’ project which Claire (the lecturer) herself was a part of, when she and her team worked with a rehabilitation unit in Italy with the women prisoners to create a finial fashion project. Katie has linked this to the better lives theme of diversity and has referenced this the whole way though her blog post.
I think that overall Katie has successfully reflected on herself and the lectures in her blog post. If I was to give any criticism I was suggests that maybe next time she could talk about some of the other better lives themes such as sustainability.