Refection of lectures

The two lectures which stood out to me the most are, Nina Stevenso Sustainability introduction and Julia Crew’s lecture on power, this is because they have really opened my eyes to the importance of sustainability with in the fashion industry. I haven’t really thought about this until attending these lectures.

I have learnt what a big effect the fashion industry has made to our planet and the nature that in it. Nina Stevenso said ‘we need to start putting the world first’, else the world which we take for granted will be not longer as the damage we have done will be irreversible.

I have also gained a much bigger understanding into the fast fashion industry though out these lecture, I didn’t quite realise how much of an issue fast fashion was until attending these two lectures. The main issues are with the high street clothing stores which are producing cheaper garments, these garments are not made as well as the more expensive brands and therefore don’t last as long before they get thrown out. These garments tend to rip and tear so can not be worn again so end up in land fill sites. I feel like just knowing this it has made me more personally more aware about how long I keep my clothes for and the long jevity of my garments.

One thing that really stood out to me in Julia Crew’s lecture was learning about the profits of the company compared to the wages of the people and children who make the garments in fashion industry, and how it is so biased and unfair. The less economically developed counties (LEDC) are being taken advanged of by the more economically developed counties (MEDC) though using their unskilled workers to do manual jobs and paying them less than they would have to in a more economically developed county. This shows that the fashion industry has a direct impact on the surrounding communities and their quality of life. This really does change my view on buying cheaper clothes as I now know that I am encouraging this to happen, Julia said ‘the market relies on the consumer to buy’. I feel that this is a very intresting topic and have learnt to be more aware of what and how the garments I purchase are made and distributed.

In conclusion, I have learnt a lot from these lectors about this topic and I have been finding them very helpful. these lecture have expanded my knowledge on the better lives theme of sustainably in fashion. I feel confident in saying that I’m more educated and will try to better my choices when buying clothes. these lectures have made me realise how important it really is and how I will deftly be making a change.

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