Commenting on the Emerging Technologies in Fashion Lecture

I found the lecture on Emerging Technologies in Fashion by Nick Almond to be the most intriguing of all the lectures as there is a general consensus that Artificial Intelligence (AI) could pose a threat to many industries. I hope to become a professional makeup artist and to specialise in Prosthetic Makeup (AKA Special Effects Makeup). However, I believe that the Special Effects Makeup Industry is under a particular threat from AI as AI is becoming increasingly ingrained into Computer Generated Imagery (CGI). In addition to this, CGI is more cost and time effective in comparison to Special Effects Makeup.

Despite this, after watching the Lecture, I am more hopeful about the future of Special Effects Makeup. Almond discussed that the downfall of The Eastman Kodak Company, which was due to the company not anticipating the Digital Camera which was invented by Steve Sasson (who was employed by Kodak at the time). This has changed my perspective on emerging technologies and the impact that they could have on the makeup industry; instead of fearing AI, I want to explore the ways that I can use it to my advantage within this industry.

I can now identify areas within the makeup industry that have the potential to be improved by emerging technologies. Such areas can be made more apparent by exploring the Better Lives themes: diversity, social responsibility and sustainability.


It has only been more recently that the lack of diversity and inclusivity within the makeup industry has been a topic of current interest. Especially with the rise of brands such as Fenty Beauty, who are known for their inclusivity as they cater for a wide range of skin tones. However, as someone of colour and someone who frequently uses makeup for differing skin tones, I still feel as though more can be done with regards to inclusivity as not enough brands have such a wide range of skin tones.

Social Responsibility:

The makeup industry is undoubtedly one of the most damaging to the environment. One issue that I am particularly concerned about, is the amount of plastic that is used in this industry. I decided to research the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and I was horrified to find out how much plastic had been disposed of in the ocean and how that has negatively impacted both Marine and Human Ecosystems.


The makeup industry is quite an unsustainable industry due to the amount of materials that are non reusable and that quickly get disposed of. This is a serious issue, as these materials are disposed of in a way that is harmful to the environment. I hope that emerging technologies can be used to create materials that are more sustainable.

I feel very strongly about the making the Makeup Industry less harmful to the environment and I hope this unit will allow me more insight into how emerging technologies can be used to achieve this.

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