Blog 1- Lecture on representation

After watching a series of lectures based on the industry, I was most drawn to the lecture on representation. Diversity in the media is something that only within recent decades are becoming a lot more inclusive. However, from this lecture I understand that we have so much more to do when it comes to accurately representing minorities.Telica kirkland touched on many important topics and issues that have to do with representation as well as the misrepresentation of black people in particular in the fashion industry. In an industry that is so heavily based around eurocentric beauty standards it’s incredibly hard for those who don’t fit the mold to have positive views of themselves. Telica also touches on the “demonization” of those in the black community and how that can cause hatred from within the community itself. The inclusion of colourism in the lecture was imperative when discussing the effects of representation as self hatred is often the outcome. Cultural appropriation is a topic that has been a huge point of discussion when it comes to the fashion industry as well as day to day life. Black hair is extremely political and the usage of it in the fashion industry on white models is extremely offensive. Black people are often penalised for wearing their natural hair so when other cultures use these styles without taking the time to really understand the issue and do it in a tasteful way it becomes cultural appropriation. Telica went on to discuss cultural appreciation, something people including myself have very little idea of, however she gave an excellent example with the wafrica project. This project beautifully captures historical and cultural aspects intertwined into a stunning piece of art. The lecture was incredibly insightful however i felt as though there was not enough focus on other underrepresented groups, this was somewhat upsetting as i felt as though there are so many other groups affected by this and as a person of colour i would love to better understand others struggles and see those represented however with the amount of time given and depth of the issue at hand Telica did a great job of giving an insight into the issue at hand.Telica did mention that she had the most knowledge on black related issues which is why she put most of the focus on it which is understandable. Overall I felt as though Telica really addressed the issues that are incredibly prevalent in today’s society but not only did she address and highlight issues but she gave amazing examples of ways things  could be done in a tasteful manner. This lecture has made me fully understand how much more needs to be done, more conversations need to be had when it comes to this issue as i feel many don’t understand the effects that this truly has on people. We all have such a huge role to play in this so hopefully there will be more lectures on this topic in the future and we can continue the change in the industry.

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