Reflection on Lecture 12

In the current society, have to admit that people care about fashion so much and also fashion always changes so fast. We can see fashion everywhere especially on the internet or any social media like Instagram. And think of the digital part of fashion, posting photos is the way that we can show others our styles, and how do we dress always influence our own experiences, like our parents, friends, maybe some designer or our culture backgrounds(religion, values, culture, brands, place) and all of those issues are the way we identity ourselves and relation to others as the social act. As we see, people are social animals, so they formed all kinds of groups, then these groups are then confused together to become a larger ethnic group. Therefore, if someone wants to make a change, first, this person needs to have a basic understanding of the environment which he/she lives.

Society + Fashion

“What do you think of when you hear ‘social’ and ‘fashion’ together?” on the Lecture of Society which was taken by Katelyn Toth-Fejel, she gave this question out at the beginning of the lecture, that make me think a lot. Most people might think several issues about the whole fashion industry like the fair wages for the workers, if them work in a safe place, whatever access to education and the equal opportunities. And the main problem for all these issues in the whole fashion industry is fast fashion. As Katelyn said, fast fashion is a phrase which was coined to describe inexpensive clothing produce rapidly trends, cheaply and expected to have a short life. Increasing access to cheap clothing for consumers is not only means that buying more short-life clothes, and low wages paid to garment workers, also promoting a ‘throwaway’ culture. Fashion also has a role in the social change and only have small changes in daily life, sometimes people easy to overlook fashion resources. 

And another interesting fact is people chose their fashion influenced by their behavior like the distance they living to the shopping center.

Social + Sustainability

Fashion is a way to understand how people behave about the issues they need to face. As Babbie said, “If one wants to change society, one needs to understand the logic of how it operates.” To recreate old product is an important way to make sustainability on fashion industry. The three-legged stool metaphor makes the ‘sustainability’ immovable, ‘environment, economy and society’. 

Society + Satisfaction

The form by Max-Neef, developed a taxonomy of basic human needs and they ways in which they can be satisfied. And strategies to Resist ‘Disposable Fashion’ is trying to make people enjoy fashion without buying new. Changing the conversations is a hard way to make fashion has a strong relationship with the complex issues.

At the end, there is an interesting project which is taken by Charlotte James and the Guardian/Clementine Schneiderman called Ffasiwn Source, which is really inspire me.

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