lecture reflection–emerging technology

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Lecture reflection— emerging technology

At beginning, the reason why technology develops is introduced. Technology allows us to do things we couldn’t do before. But not all the technology are acceptable, technology has affordance, which means that tools( technology) can change depending on who is looking at it, if that is too complex and difficult, it wont develop neither. As I understanding, the development of technology has to lead the new trend of public’s requirement, just like the example from the lecture, the invitation of Netflix took place of old blockbuster video industry, and Netflix invested 18 billion dollars on content this year, which turned out that they had the most content than anyone else, and of course the Netflix made watching films online a new trend and it is holding the most resources, taking the main place in video market. That is how emerging technology grows, emerging technology is very very new and catches people by surprise. However, some emerging technology can be disruptive, because it leads to the elimination of old industry. In my opinion, we should hold a positive attitude towards technology development, more emerging technology are involved in daily life, more convenient our life will be and the more developed the whole society will be. 

Technology also can be  applied to fashion industry, for example, XR— a new emerging technology, stands for a group of things that mixed reality, which is visual. Clothes are completely generated by computers and have never actually been designed by humans. Then people can try on clothes before they get to do it, with the support of AI technology, customer can take a video of themselves and clothes are superimposed on their body. What’s more, customers are able to use blockchain track where the clothes came from and if if sustainable or not.  l thought emerging technology in fashion industry is more about how technology is used in fabric development, but it tends to focus on the visual experience, so I think the main propose of technology development is profit, technology in fashion think highly of customers shopping experience by developing visual technology the fashion industry satisfy costumers new need and give costumers more convenience, happening with which is more consuming from customers. 

In the end of the lecture, a question was put forward—ln which ways technology is changing things and what new tools that we can put in our tools. This question embodies the affordance of technology, which is mentioned at the first beginning. Emerging technology can affect the direction how fashion industry to go, so It is better to develop something new with a view to market requirement. Nowadays, the way of shopping has been focused a lot, a matter of course, the visual technology is growing to support.

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